Saturday, July 24, 2010


Well I guess that seeing that I've been here in Western Australia for over three years now, I'd best get my thoughts out there. Sticking pics on facebook doesn't really reach a wide audience and so it'll be interesting to see if this blog can reach the parts that the social network site can't. Reckon I have a bit of a story to tell, nothing that's going to blow the world apart but maybe some people will pick up on my narrative.

I'm totally new to the blogging business but having come across 'gillysdays', an everyday blog by a senior lady from my old home of St.Ives in Cornwall, and being quite taken by gilly's diary, I felt that I too would give it a go.

At the moment I'm sitting in my lounge in Secret Harbour, just south of Perth watching the fag end of Le Tour de France. It's been a pleasant mid-winters day, 19 degrees and sunny and I've been catching up on chores - paying bills, putting my watch in to be fixed, canceling my gym membership (just bought a multigym & will erect it down the side of the house) and buying in some provisions. I've not had to do too much as Caitlin, the daughter, has been busy shopping earlier this week and is cooking fish pie - nice bit of salmon and a few prawns. She's been doing a good job since the wife, Lorraine, & the two little girls have left for an extended holiday back in the UK. They've seen friends & family in Brighton, London, Ireland, Wales and are now on their way down to Cornwall.

Right that's my first ever entry finished. Nothing special but a start ...


  1. Cheers, funny but when we lived in St.Ives we were up at Windsor Terrace looking down at your place. Ironically it's taken a trip to the other end of the world to 'meet you'.

  2. Best wishes from Cornwall, hope you have a great time, don't miss cornwall too much xx xx
